Friday, September 11, 2009

The Fight

I would be lying if I said this Christian walk isn't a fight. Like a professional boxing match, all Christians will have to train themselves for battle. The fight isn't with people though, it's with spirits, and powers of darkness that rule this world. If you have been born again, you understand what I mean. This life is hard, very hard. Hard to keep the standard that Jesus left for us. We sin, and repent. We sin, then repent, its a constant thing through out life. It gets frustrating for myself and all christian's to have this never ending struggle with sin. But we all must remember that Christ's death paid the penalty for all sin. Lord knows I have my own issues and struggles, and sometimes it makes me want to give up. But I know the Lord all to well to quit. He's changed my life and I can't deny that. I write this for all of us who are broken and low in spirit to let you know to keep going! Keep fighting the good fight of faith, I promise you it won't all be for nothing. Christ is at the right hand of the father as I write this, praying for all of us. Let's not forget what he did for us. John 3:16

Peace and Love

Feeling like Psalm 88